October 2017 – General Meeting

Our October Meeting will be held at The Retreat in Groenfontein. Marie Holstensson, one of our founding members has invited us to visit her lovely farm for lunch and enjoy the spring growth and flowers in the valley there.

There are wonderful hiking trails, or one can sit on her beautiful stoep and watch nature at its best. Following lunch, we will try and rehash Vetplantfees for a brief time.

Everyone’s opinion is important so that we can grow our event and make it more meaningful for future attendees. Also a Pat-On-The-Back session. We will bring wine. We’ll have a nice social hour (or 2) to celebrate a job well done.


The Retreat in Groenfontein

For directions go to – https://www.groenfontein.com/calitzdorp/location.

You have to let us know whether you will attend the meeting to allow for us to do the necessary preparations. To do so, send an email to Buck Hemenway at buckhem41@gmail.com or phone 076-298-7337.