Container gardening with succulents (90 minutes). This is a FUN event to uncover your creative skills and plant your own container with a selection of succulents. Alison will demonstrate how she plants a container with suitable plants and then you will have a chance to create your own.
You need to bring your own container, could be a bonsai bowl, tin plate, deep drip tray, biscuit tin, etc. Comprehensive notes, soil, pebbles, and some plants for participants will be provided. However if you have any spare succulents , decorations, stones, etc, please bring them along – this is a great way to share plants and increase your collection.
Workshop duration 1.5 hours.
R50 per person
Spaces are limited to 20 persons per workshop and advance booking is essential.
Alison is an environmental educator with a passion for plants, especially succulents. She keeps busy growing succulents for the Kirstenbosch plant sales and is a volunteer Kirstenbosch garden guide. She has won many plant prizes at garden shows and enjoys introducing people to the world of succulents.