Our Mission

Taking the succulents of the Klein Karoo to the public and the world.

The Calitzdorp Succulent Society endeavors to establish working and co-operation agreements with a range of stakeholders to assist in educating and promoting the conservation and preservation of the succulent plants of the Klein Karoo to the general public. To this end, the society will affiliate with other organisations within South Africa and around the world as a means of furthering the goals of the Society.


The society undertakes to develop a continuing dialogue with local landowners and farmers in the Klein Karoo to help them understand the value of the succulent plants on their land and facilitate their preservation. The society will also engage with local municipalities and other stakeholders to preserve succulent plants that may be in the way of public development.

Public Education

It is the aim of the society to educate the public with regards to the value of succulent plants in the local environment, by means of exhibitions, garden tours and demonstration gardens and a range of activities that will include the organisation of an annual festival, talks, hands-on classes by local experts and the dissemination of information through the internet and social media.

Monthly Meetings

For the immediate community, the society will be a resource to assist with the beautification of the town of Calitzdorp through the use of succulent plants in the gardens in and around the town. Local members will benefit from the monthly meetings to be conducted and the hands-on information that will be disseminated during these meetings. 

Become a Member

Get your ticket to unlock the world of succulents. Join Today.

Members of the Calitzdorp Succulent Society receive free access to monthly meetings, including Veld Walks, Garden Tours, Expert Talks and How To Sessions.  It is the key that unlocks the wonderful world of succulents for you and your family. Find out how to become a member today. 

Who Can Join?

Any person or organisation who is interested in succulent plants has the right to join as an ordinary member of the Society. Memberships will be singular in nature. One membership will include an entire core family residing at the same physical address, or one organisation with one contact address.

The Rules of Membership

The committee may within its discretion consider any other person, organisation or Society as an honorary, non-paying member. All membership is subject to full payment of membership fees of R50 per calendar year. Members whose membership fees are not fully paid before notification of the Annual General Meeting is given, lose their right to vote at the annual general meeting.

Membership Fees

A person, family or organisation can become an ordinary member of the Calitzdorp Succulent Society by completing the Online Registration Form here. Details of how to pay the R50 membership fee will be sent via email by return email. 

Join Us

    Our Affiliates

    The Calitzdorp Succulent Society endeavours to establish working and co-operation agreements with a range of stakeholders to assist in educating and promoting the conservation and preservation of the succulent plants of the Klein Karoo to the general public.

    To this end, the society will affiliate with other organisations within South Africa and around the world as a means of furthering the goals of the Society. The Society is in the process of establishing these affiliations - be they with governmental or business organisations, or non-profits or individuals working in the field.

    The Calitzdorp Succulent Society is currently affiliated with the following companies:

    Our Constitution

    The constitution of the Calitzdorp Succulent Society was adopted 12 March 2017. To download a copy of the constitution, click here

    Calitzdorp Succulent Society (hereafter called the Society) is an association not for gain. The purpose of the Calitzdorp Succulent Society is to assist in the conservation and preservation of Klein Karoo succulent plants through public education and promotion. The Society is an autonomous body with the power to co-operate with other bodies or Societies insofar as their statements of purpose agree with that of the Society.
    The functions of the Society are the following:

    To develop a working relationship with existing organisations whose function is the preservation of succulent plants in the veld to assist them in fulfilling their mission.

    To develop a continuing dialog with local landowners and farmers to help them understand the value of the succulent plants on their land and facilitate their preservation.

    To work with local municipalities to preserve succulent plants that may be in the way of public development.

    To educate the public with regards to the value of succulent plants in the local environment, by means of exhibitions, garden tours and demonstration gardens’.

    To engage in social media activity in order to help fulfil the mission.

    To organize talks and hands-on classes by various local experts to help fulfil the mission.

    To engage in community beautification through the use of succulent plants and gardens featuring them.

    To affiliate with other organizations within South Africa and around the world as a means of furthering the goals of the Society.
    Any person or organization who is interested in succulent plants, has the right to join as an ordinary member of the Society.

    Memberships will be singular in nature. One membership will include an entire core family residing at the same physical address, or one organization with one contact address.

    The committee may within its discretion consider any other person, organisation or Society as an honorary, non-paying member.

    All membership is subject to full payment of membership fees as determined by the Executive Committee.

    Members whose membership fees are not fully paid before notification of the Annual General Meeting is given, lose their right to vote at the annual general meeting.
    The Society will be managed by a committee, chosen by the members, as explained hereafter.

    The committee will consist of five members.

    The committee will vote among themselves for a chairperson, vice-chairperson, secretary and treasurer within seven days after the Annual General Meeting.

    Following the first election of the committee, three members (chairperson, secretary and treasurer) will be chosen for two years and two members for one year. Thereafter three/two members will be elected to the committee each year.

    In case of a vacancy, the committee will have the right to co-opt a committee member until the following meeting.

    All decisions will be taken by majority vote. The chairperson will have a decisive vote.

    The committee will appoint three of its members to form the management committee which will take care of the day-to-day activities of the Society. All decisions of the management committee must be confirmed by the committee.

    The committee will have the right to appoint subcommittees to assist it in its work. Such a subcommittee will not have any decision-making authority.

    The committee will meet at least once a month or more frequently, as determined by the chairperson, after consultation with the rest of the committee.

    Three members of the committee will form a quorum.

    The term of office of a committee member will be terminated if he/she is absent without a valid excuse, for three consecutive committee meetings.

    If a committee member intends to resign before the end of his/her term, it must be done in writing.

    A General Meeting is to be held every year in January.

    Notice of such meeting must be given at least fourteen days before the due date.

    The election of the committee will take place at the Annual General Meeting.

    Any ten members have the right to request a Special General Meeting.

    A quorum will consist of twelve members. The quorum may be altered from year to year.

    Changes in the constitution may be made only with the approval of a minimum of 51% of paid up members.

    The finances of the Society will be handled by means of a bank account. All income will be deposited and all payments made by cheque or EFT.

    A financial report will be presented to the members annually at the General Meeting.

    The financial report will be audited annually by an external auditor.

    The financial year will run from 1 January to 31 December.

    Payments must at all times be signed by two of the five authorised members.

    The Society will function as a separate legal person and will be entitled to defend or initiate proceedings in its own name.
    The Society may be dissolved if 60% of all members entitled to vote, decide accordingly at a General Meeting. The assets of the Society will be transferred to a similar organisation that pursues the same purpose.