Due to the Coronavirus Pandamic the Vetplantfees for 2020 did not take place. 


The Vetplantfees (Succulent Festival) is an annual festival hosted by the Calitzdorp Succulent Society to showcase of many of South Africa’s beautiful and rare succulents together with succulents from all over the world.

This third annual festival will take place on 19 and 20 September 2020 in the centre of Calitzdorp in the Klein Karoo, a region where many of the succulents, endemic to South Africa, can be seen in its natural environment. Succulent enthusiasts who visit Calitzdorp during the festival will be able to immerse themselves in a range of activities to discover the world of succulents.

Whether you live in Calitzdorp, Cape Town, George or Johannesburg you will see indigenous and rare succulents in their natural habitat, buy specimens not available in nurseries and get advice on how to propagate, grow and care for succulents in the garden.
19 September 2020 - 09:00 to 18:00
20 September 2020 - 09:00 to 17:00
For 2020 the Vetplantfees will take place in downtown Calitzdorp. Just follow the signs. Food vendors on site and restaurants within meters of the venue. Plan to spend the whole weekend with us.

Find it on Google, click here.
The festival will include:
* Veld Walks led by local guides
* A potted plant market hosted by growers
* Educational talks by succulent experts
* “How To” workshops
* Original plant pots for sale
* Succulent plant exhibition
* Botanical art exhibition
* Botanical art sold by artists
* A rare plant auction
* Activities for children
* Saturday night dinner, featuring Adam Harrower, Senior Horticultist, Kirstenbosch Gardens, speaking on The Miniature World of the Knersvlakte.
Admission to the festival is free.

Selected activities, including Veld Walks, Workshops and Special Events will be charged for.

More information on the specific activities, the costs for each and how to book visit the individual links for each.
Thousands of rare and indigenous potted succulents will be on sale during the festival. Many of the finest growers of succulent plants in South Africa are in attendance with huge varieties of plants for sale.

Festivalgoers must take note that plants will be available on a first-come first-buy basis.

The plant sale will start at 09:00 on Saturday, 20 September 2020 and will be open for business until 17:00 on Sunday, 20 September 2020.
A series of workshops to share tips on how to successfully grow succulents for your own home. Dates and times to be made available soon.
Trained Cape Nature guides will escort small groups of enthusiasts on a 90-minute walk to Calitzdorp’s famous Jakkalskop where dozens of succulent plant varieties will be in flower. It is an experience not to be missed and have proven to be very popular with festivalgoers.

Dates and times to be made available soon.
Be sure to participate in this event which is unique to Calitzdorp. Plants, artwork and other special items will be auctioned to the highest bidder.

Attendees will find the most beautiful and rare of succulent plants and art work. This is a special opportunity for succulent plant collectors to acquire mature and sometimes very rare plants. Items will be sold to the highest bidder with reserve on some.

The vendors and artists at the Succulent Fees will contribute to the Rare Plant Auction. This event will be memorable in all respects.

The auction will be held at 15:30 on Sunday, 20 September 2020. Attendance is free.

Not to be missed is the range of free talks by plant experts on each day of the festival. Attendees will gain insights into the key issues pre-occupying scientist and experts working in the field.

A full schedule of talks will be made available soon. Expert Talks are free events and no booking is required. Available seats are on a first-come, first-serve basis.
This is a “must attend” event during the Calitzdorp Succulent Festival. You will have the chance to meet and mix with succulent experts from all over South Africa, enjoy a wonderful dinner and dicover the "Miniature World of the Knersvlakte" with our keynote speaker, Adam Harrower, Senior Horticultist at Kirstenbosch Gardens.

Some of the most talented and respected South African botanical artist will be represented at the 2020 Vetplantfees. More details will be made available soon.



09:00 — 17:00
Plant & Art Exhibition, Vendor Sales,
Children's Activities, Food Vendors

09:00 - Veldwalk*
11:00 - Expert Talk
11:00 - Veldwalk*
12:00 - Workshop*
13:00 - Expert Talk
13:00 - Veldwalk*
14:00 - Workshop*
15:00 - Veldwalk*
15:30 - Rare Plant Auction
17:00 - Veldwalk*
18:00 - Dinner & Keynote*

Exact details for each activity will soon be available.

* Fees apply. Advance booking required.


09:00 — 17:00
Plant & Art Exhibition, Vendor Sales,
Children's Activities, Food Vendors

09:00 - Veldwalk*
11:00 - Expert Talk
11:00 - Veldwalk*
12:00 - Workshop*
13:00 - Expert Talk
13:00 - Veldwalk*
14:00 - Workshop*
15:00 - Veldwalk*
17:00 - Veldwalk*
17:00 - All Booths & Exhibits Close

Exact details for each activity will soon be available.

* Fees apply. Advance booking required.