Rare Plant Auction – Sunday 24 September – 15:00

The first of its kind in Calitzdorp.  Be sure to attend to find the most beautiful and rare of succulent plants and art work.  Items will be sold to the highest bidder with reserve on some.

The newest book on succulent plants, Robin Frandsen’s “Succulents of Southern Africa”, a Honeyguide publication, will be auctioned.  The first printed copy, which was airmailed from Singapore to Frandsen prior to shipment will be sold to the highest bidder.  Be the one and the only holder of this beautiful publication, personally signed and authenticated by the author.

All of the vendors and artists at the Vetplantfees will contribute to the Rare Plant Auction.  This event will be memorable in all respects.

The final bid for the Parasite will be announced at the beginning of the auction.

Seats are limited and registration is required. Only ticketholders will be allowed to enter the venue. To book now, click here.