The delicate world of botany is eternalized by the deft hand of Janet Snyman in illustrations with distinctive detail. After studying, Janet held positions related to graphic design at various institutions among which are the Provincial Library Services, African Commerce and headed the Art Department of the National Museum in Bloemfontein.
Since living in the surfer’s paradise of Jeffrey’s Bay in the Eastern Cape since 1992, Janet had been very active. She had been involved in photography, graphic design and painting. But the botanic illustrations always lure her back concentrating mainly on illustrating succulents.
- Member of the Botanical Artists Association of South Africa
- She took part in the 14th International Exhibition of Botanical Art and Illustration, Hunt Institute for Botanical Documentation
- Gold Medal: 2013 Kirstenbosch Biennale
- Hammer, Steven A. 2013. Mesembs: The Titanopsis Group. Little Sphaeroid Press, Oakland, California. (First book of series of eight books on Mesembs)