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Calitzdorp Launches Succulent Society

It took a pair of incomers from America to ignite a passion in the residents of Calitzdorp South Africa.

Located in the heart of the Klein Karoo, which is home to hundreds of varieties of succulent plants, Calitzdorp was the perfect place to kindle the enthusiasm of many of the local residents.

From an active bunch of residents has sprung a cohesive group of succulent plant lovers who are known as the Calitzdorp Succulent Society.

In the first few months of existence, the Society has begun several projects.

They are planning to hold the first ever Vetplantfees (Succulent Plant Festival), which will be a celebration of succulent plants in September 2017.

They are planning a conservation project to protect one of the rarest of succulent plants in the Calitzdorp area.

They are building a succulent demonstration garden at the Calitzdorp Railway Station, which will tie in with their Vetplantfees.

They are holding monthly meetings at which members are learning how to grow and care for their succulents, along with other interesting facts that will expand their general knowledge of the subject.

They are affiliating themselves with other groups that have conservation of the veld as their primary objective.

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