Photo Feedback: Work Party – Demonstration Garden – 23 May 2017

Work on the demonstration garden at the Calitzdorp Station kicked off at 09:00 this morning. Our volunteers managed to work their way through one load of topsoil, removing grass and roots and mixing it with gravel. Three hours of raking, shovelling and pushing wheelbarrows resulted in about a third of the gravel and most of the topsoil finding its way to the spot between the olive trees where we intend to establish the garden.

Much more work needs to happen before we can start to plant and the details of the next work party will be announced soon.

You can help us build the garden by donating your time or resources. To make a contribution, join one of our work parties at the station or call Buck Hemenway on (076-298-7337) to discuss how you can help.

Our volunteers included for today include Kim Verlinde, Clifford Maclarty, Yvonne Hemenway, Buck Hemenway, Hein Julies, Jako Voges, Brigitte Monard & Maryth Meise. In addition, Klokkie Fourie donated a load of topsoil.

For photos, click here.

Kim Verlinde
Clifford Maclarty
Yvonne Hemenway
Buck Hemenway
Hein Julies
Jako Voges
Brigitte Monard
Maryth Meise
Michael Archer (Calitzdorp Station)
Cheryl de Villiers (Calitzdorp Station)
Klokkie Fourie (Topsoil)

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